## version $VER: ClassActionPrefs.catalog 4.2 (22.6.2001) ## language t ## codeset 0 ; *** catalog description file of "ClassActionPrefs.res" TXT_CLASSNAME f ismi ; Class name TXT_MATCHNAME ; Matchname TXT_OFFSET1 Ofset #1 ; Offset #1 TXT_OFFSET2 Ofset #2 ; Offset #2 TXT_OFFSET3 Ofset #3 ; Offset #3 TXT_OFFSET4 Ofset #4 ; Offset #4 TXT_OFFSET5 Ofset #5 ; Offset #5 TXT_BUTTLST1 mlanm f listesi ; List of defined classes TXT_BUTTCLASS n ismi ; Name of the class TXT_BUTTMATCH lenmesi gereken ablon ; Pattern that must be matched TXT_BUTTCHOFF 6 ofsetten birini se ; Select one of 6 Offsets TXT_BUTTOFFSET lenecek metni girin ; Enter the matching text TXT_BUTTADD Yeni bir s f ekle ; Add a new class TXT_BUTTREMOVE kald ; Remove this class TXT_BUTTLEARN Dosyalardan ; Learn from files TXT_BUTTLST2 mlanm hareket listesi ; List of defined actions TXT_BUTTANAME Hareketin ismi ; The name of the action TXT_BUTTUP Bu hareketi raya al ; Move this action up TXT_BUTTDOWN Bu hareketi alt s raya al ; Move this action down TXT_BUTTADD2 Yeni bir hareket ekle ; Add a new action TXT_BUTTREMOVE2 Bu hareketi ; Remove this action TXT_ABOUT ; About TXT_PROJECT Proje ; Project MEN_QUIT ; Q_Quit ERR_GENERAL Bilinmeyen bir hata olu ; An unspecified error has occured. ERR_NOCONFIG Ayar dosyas bulunamad ; Config file not found. ERR_NOICON kon mevcut de ; There is no icon! ERR_NOLIB letim sistemi ; Library not found. Perhaps wrong OS. TXT_DELACTION Bu hareket silinsin mi ? ; Delete this action ? TXT_DELCLASS f silinsin mi ? ; Delete this class ? TXT_NEWACTION ; TXT_NEWCLASS ; TXT_NOACT Hareket yok ; No action TXT_INFORMATION Bilgi ; Information TXT_OK Tamam TXT_YESNO Evet|Hay ; Yes|No ERR_CONFIGNOTVALID Ayar dosyan z\n\nge erli bir\n\nClassAction dosyas ; Your config file\n\nis not a valid\n\nClassAction config file ERR_GENERICNOTVALID Generic dosya ge erli de ; The generic file is not valid. TXT_GENERIC Generic hareketler ; Generic actions TXT_UNKNOWN Bilinmeyen s ; Unknown class TXT_DIRECTORY Dizin ; Directory ERR_DIRNOTVALID Dizin dosyas erli de ; The dir file is not valid. ERR_CONFIGCORRUPT Ayar dosyan z\n\nbozulmu ; Your config file\n\nis corrupted. TXT_LCHOOSE renilecek dosyalar ; Choose files to learn from. TXT_LCOMP Analiz tamamland ; Analysis complete. TXT_LPREP leme ... l tfen bekleyin ; Preprocessing ... please wait TXT_LPROG Analiz yap yor... ; Analysis in progress ... TXT_LEARN ; Learn TXT_ACCEPT Kabul Et ; Accept TXT_BUTTLACCEPT Bu ofset ve katarlar kabul et ; Accept these offsets and strings TXT_BUTTLCANCEL renme i lemini durdur ; Cancel the learning process TXT_PROG ClassActionPrefs ; ClassActionPrefs TXT_LMEMORY renme i in yeterli bellek yok. ; Not enough memory for learning. TXT_LNEED renme i in en az 2 dosya laz ; I need at leat 2 files for learning. TXT_LNOTHING ey bulunamad ; Nothing found. TXT_COPYRIGHT %s\n\n(c) 2001 by Martin R. Elsner & Salim Gasmi\n\n im Adresim :\n\nMartin R. Elsner\nMuesener Strasse 46\n57223 Kreuztal\nGermany\n\nEmail: email@martin-elsner.de\nWeb: http://www.martin-elsner.de ; %s\n\n(c) 2001 by Martin R. Elsner & Salim Gasmi\n\nYou can contact me at :\n\nMartin R. Elsner\nMuesener Strasse 46\n57223 Kreuztal\nGermany\n\nEmail: email@martin-elsner.de\nWeb: http://www.martin-elsner.de TXT_OPTIONS Opsiyonlar ; Options TXT_COMMANDS Komutlar ; Commands TXT_CLASSES ; Classes TXT_SAVE Kaydet ; Save TXT_BUTTSAVE iklikleri kaydet ; Save the changes TXT_USE Kullan ; Use TXT_BUTTUSE Kaydetmeden de iklikleri kullan ; Use the changes without saving TXT_CANCEL Vazge ; Cancel TXT_BUTTCANCEL Kaydetmeden ; Quit without saving TXT_ISSURE Emin misiniz ? ; Are you sure ? TXT_ACTIKEY Aktivasyon tu ; Activation key TXT_SELRAWKEY HAM tu ; Select RAW key TXT_NAMEE ; Name: TXT_ICON ; Icon TXT_ADD ; Add TXT_REMOVE ; Remove TXT_NAME ; Name TXT_BUTTCOMM Bir de ken se ; Choose a variable TXT_REQPF2 [F] Yol+Dosyaismi ; [F] Path+Filename TXT_REQS2 [S] Yol+Dosyaismi uzant ; [S] Path+Filename without suffix TXT_REQB2 [B] Dosyaismi ; [B] Filename TXT_REQX2 [X] uzant z dosya ismi ; [X] Filename without suffix TXT_SRC [SRC] Kaynak listesinin yolu ; [SRC] Path of source lister TXT_SRCS [SRCS] Kaynak listesinin yolu + '/' ; [SRCS] Path of source lister + '/' TXT_DST [DST] Hedef listesinin yolu ; [DST] Path of destination lister TXT_DSTS [DSTS] Hedef listesinin yolu + '/ ; [DSTS] Path of destination lister + '/' TXT_REQF REQF Dosya iste ; REQF Request a file TXT_REQD REQD Dizin iste ; REQD Request a directory TXT_REQT REQT Metin iste ; REQT Request a text TXT_SURE SURE Komut onayla ; SURE Confirm a command TXT_COMMAND Komut ; Command TXT_CLI ; CLI TXT_WB TXT_NOCLI CLI yok ; No CLI TXT_AREXX ARexx ; ARexx TXT_INTERNAL Dahili ; Internal TXT_SPACE ; Space TXT_BUTTMODE lama modunu se ; Choose the starting mode TXT_MODE ; Mode TXT_INTCOMMANDS Dahili komutlar ; Internal commands TXT_VARIABLES kenler ; Variables TXT_HELPE ; Help: TXT_BUTTSTACK Gereken y girin ; Enter the required stack TXT_STACK ; Stack TXT_BUTTDELAY stenen gecikmeyi se ; Choose the wanted delay TXT_DELAY Gecikme ; Delay TXT_RESCANDIR Dizini tekrar tara ; Rescan Dir TXT_BUTTDIR rmadan sonra dizini tara ; Rescan the dir after execution TXT_LOAD ; Load TXT_PREVIEW ; Preview TXT_CHOOSEICON kon se ; Choose icon TXT_PRESSKEY a bas ; Press key TXT_BUTTCOMMAND Komut sat ; Command line TXT_BUTTLOAD Dosyaismi yerle ; Insert a filename TXT_BUTTLCOM Komutlar Listesi ; List of Commands TXT_BUTTCUP Komutu ste ta ; Move command up TXT_BUTTCDOWN Komutu alta indir ; Move command down TXT_BUTTCADD Komut Ekle ; Add command TXT_BUTTCREM Komutu ; Remove command TXT_BUTTCNAME Komutun ismi ; Name of command TXT_BUTTCHELP Komut i in yard m metni ; Help text for the command TXT_BUTTINT Dahili komut se ; Choose internal command TXT_BUTTOPTIONS Opsiyonlar listesi ; List of options TXT_ICONS konlar ; Icons TXT_BUTTONS meler ; Buttons TXT_LISTERS Listeler ; Listers TXT_BUTTGTICON Komut i in ikon ; The icon for the command TXT_BUTTPREVIEW konlara n bak ; Preview of icon(s) TXT_BUTTKEY un ham kodunu al ; Get the raw code of a key TXT_BUTTSTRKEY Komut i in aktivasyon tu ; Activation key for the command TXT_BUTTCHKEY un tipi ; The type of the key TXT_SHOWHELP ; Show Help TXT_WINDOW Pencere ; Window TXT_ACTIONS Hareketler ; Actions TXT_DISPINFO konlar ; Display icons TXT_DISPTIME Zaman da g ; Display also time TXT_HELPFILE lavuza Yol ; Path to the manual TXT_HISTORY ; History TXT_ICONFILE AppIcon`a Yol ; Path to the AppIcon TXT_PARENT st Dizin ; Parent TXT_PATHS Yollar ; Paths TXT_HEIGHT kseklik ; Height TXT_ICONSTART kon olarak ba ; Start as icon TXT_LEFTEDGE Sol k ; Left edge TXT_MUIQUIT Kapatma d mesi ile simgele ; Iconify by close gadget TXT_TOPEDGE ; Top edge TXT_WIDTH ; Width TXT_CONFIRMREPLACE Yerde trimeyi onayla ; Confirm replace TXT_COPYICONS konlar kopyala ; Copy icons TXT_CREATEICONS konlar yarat ; Create icons TXT_DATESTRING Tarihi metin olarak g ; Show date as text TXT_DRAWERSFIRST Dizinleri g ster ; Show drawers first TXT_GENERAL Genel ; General TXT_CLISIZE Cli Boyutu ; Cli size TXT_CHOOSEFILE Dosya se ; Choose file TXT_PATHMENU Yol men ; Path menu TXT_PATH ; Path TXT_NOTAVAIL Bu fonksiyon haz ; This function is not yet available. TXT_OPENPREFS ClassAction ayar dosyas ; Open ClassAction preference file TXT_SAVEPREFS ClassAction ayar dosyas kaydet ; Save ClassAction preference file TXT_SMALLIM k imajlar kullan ; Use small images TXT_EDIT ; Edit MEN_LASTSAVED L_Son Kaydedilen ; L_Last saved MEN_OPEN ; O_Open... MEN_RESET lk ayarlara d ; D_Reset to defaults MEN_RESTORE R_Geri Getir ; R_Restore TXT_BOTTOMICONS Dipteki ikonlar ; Bottom icons TXT_CAPFILE ClassActionPrefs`e Yol ; Path to ClassActionPrefs TXT_CHECKFIT Kopyalamadan nce bo a bak ; Check space before copying ERR_SAVEPREFS Ayar dosyas kaydedilemedi! ; Couldn't save prefs! TXT_HIGHDIRS Dizinleri ; Highlight directories TXT_KEYCOM komutlar ; Key commands TXT_REPLACETOOLTYPES Eski ara tipleriniz imdi yeni olarak y klenecek ve kaydedilecek. ; Now your old tooltypes will be loaded and saved in the new format. TXT_SHOWIM majlar ; Show images TXT_TOPICONS st ikonlar ; Top icons MEN_OLDPREFS I_Eski ayarlar ithal et ; I_Import old prefs MEN_SAVEAS S_Olarak kaydet ... ; S_Save as ... TXT_WHEREISCA Eski ClassAction program nerede ? ; Where is your old ClassAction program file? TXT_APPX AppIcon sol k ; AppIcon left edge TXT_APPY AppIcon ; AppIcon top edge TXT_DSTSTARTPATH Hedef ba lama yolu ; Destination start path TXT_PUBLICSCREEN Ortak ekran ; Public screen TXT_SRCSTARTPATH Kaynak ba lama yolu ; Source start path TXT_SHOWDEVS Cihazlar ; Show devices TXT_POPUPWAITTIME Popup bekleme s ; Popup wait time